Architect ETH Expert in sustainable construction Managing partner at zoë circular building gmbh

Thomas Dimov is an architect, energy consultant and building biologist as well as a partner and managing director of zoë circular building gmbh. After studying architecture at the ETH Zurich and philosophy, anthropology and art history at the University of Zurich, he graduated in 1996 with Prof. Flora Ruchat as an architect. He then headed the newly founded vorarlberger architektur institut and worked as a project manager for environmental consulting and energy consulting in Lower Austria. He also worked in various architecture firms in Vienna. Since 2010 he has worked as a project manager at GfA Architecture Group, atelier ww and MOKA Architekten. His field of activity included the planning of public buildings, office buildings and residential buildings. In May 2017 Thomas Dimov together with Astrid Matathia founded zoë circular building gmbh.

“Sustainability in construction refers to comprehensive quality. Good design is a product of achieving precisely the programmatic goals, being responsible for the economic, ecologic and social context and being aware of the needs of all the stakeholders involved in the design process.

I have kept alive for many years the ambition to develop a truly sustainable construction system. This led me to a simple and mature product for a wide range of application. Not the technical possible but a truly human and ecofriendly architecture is our goal.”

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